東九龍動物醫院專屬服務 - Whatsapp配藥程序

Kowloon East Animal Hospital Special Service - Whatsapp Prescription Refill Procedure

To provide our clients with greater flexibility and convenience in managing their pets' medications, Peticare Kowloon East Animal Hospital is pleased to introduce a new WhatsApp-based service for prescription refills. 


Important Guidelines重要指南
Advance Ordering: Requests for repeat medication must be submitted at least 2 days in advance. 
提前訂購:重複用藥請求必須至少提前 3 天提交。

Collection Deadline: Medications must be collected within 14 days of the order date. Orders not collected within this timeframe will be treated as cancelled. 
領取截止日期:必須在訂單日期後 14 天內領取藥物。在此時間內未領取的訂單將被視為已取消。

Wait Times: Be prepared for potential wait times when collecting medications, as our staff may be attending to complex patient cases. 

Collection Hours and Location 取藥時間和地點
Days: Monday – Sunday, including Public Holidays
日期: 周一至周日,包括公眾假期
Hours: 9 am – 7 pm
時間: 早上9點至晚上7點
Location: Pharmacy, Kowloon East Animal Hospital


Clients can now request medication refills by using our WhatsApp service. To initiate a request, please follow the steps below:

1. Trigger Keyword: Start your message with the keyword "refill".
關鍵字: 開始信息時使用關鍵字"配藥"。

2. Required Information: Include the following details in your message
所需信息: 在信息中包括以下詳情:

    - Medication name 藥物名稱
    - Quantity required所需數量
    - A clear image of the valid drug label有效及清晰的 藥物標籤圖片
    - Basic update of pet: 寵物最近的基本情況:例如 
            1) Any vomiting or diarrhea? 有嘔吐或腹瀉嗎?
            2) How is the appetite? 食慾怎麼樣?
            3) How are the Urine and Bowel movements? 排尿和排便狀況如何?
            4) Symptoms are: Worse? Stable? Better? 症狀是: 變差?穩定的?有改善?

Staff Responsibilities醫護人員職責
Regular Monitoring: Pharmacy staff on duty are tasked to regularly checking WhatsApp for new refill requests.
定期檢查: 藥房值班人員負責定期檢查WhatsApp是否有新的續配請求。
Client Notification: Once the medication is ready, the responsible staff member will contact the client to arrange pickup.
通知客人: 一旦藥物準備好,負責的工作人員將聯繫客戶安排取藥。請客人接聽電話以視確認。